Seasonal Tasks

- We have been to collect a friend’s Christmas tree which is in a pot.
Our friend is a warm bubbly lady with a fantastic sense of humour. She is very fond of her Christmas tree, and we feel a burden of responsibility here, particularly in view of the fact that she firmly maintains the tree has roots, but her partner is adamant that it doesn’t. Tact and diplomacy has been essential on our part, and in order to avoid involvement in this argument we have agreed to plant the tree in the border near the Dome, and hope for the best. If it doesn’t thrive we can make up some tactful excuse about it not liking to be moved, or the soil conditions not being suitable, or just keep quiet about it. Time will tell..
P.M. I went to my not so very local but favourite friendly nursery to get some sharp sand and compost so I can get busy with shrub cuttings, and divisions of some perennials. It’s a round trip of 20 miles or so. Their stock is great quality at a good price and I always get terrific advice and a warm welcome, so the long drive is well worth it. I’ve found it’s good to seek these places out and support them. It’s no hardship if you’re a keen gardener, to visit as many as you can, select the best and become a regular customer. I like nurseries where they grow a fair amount of their own stock, are knowledgable and generous with their advice and enthusiasm. Sometimes the biggest or the nearest are not necessarily the best choice if you have a genuine interest, want to engage with friendly staff and learn from them and have an interesting selection of plants to choose from.
Later on, back home again, I ventured out to investigate a new seating area we’re planning in the perennial area near the pond. We are hoping to use some big sawn logs from the conifer that fell down and was cut up last year. It has been recycled very economically. The smaller logs have kept us warm all winter on our log stove in the sitting room. The green branches made a mountain of chipped mulch, which became surprisingly hot as it decomposed. A season on, well soaked by the rain, the mulch has been generously spread over the borders where the perennials are emerging.