Free Bamboo

A generous number of free Sasa palmata were obtained by a bit of a fluke.
The electricity company had asked if they could dig a hole in our garden, for essential work.
We agreed. It was a well hidden corner amongst mature trees. We hadn’t anticipated the size of their excavations and were genuinely amazed to find a massive deep wide pit, big enough to bury a car.
I laid it on thick; “ Oh, my lovely garden!” I pronounced dramatically, “ this is terrible”. This exaggeration on my part paid off and I was told to buy “ whatever plants I wanted” by the alarmed foreman.
Well, of course I made the most of their generous offer and ordered 10 x 3 litre Sasa palmata’ Nebulosa ’ plants, some of which went into the space where the hole had been, and the remainder placed around the garden where they soon established and spread like mad.
Sasa is a useful plant IF you have a very large area to fill. It is an evergreen foliage plant and its beautiful, broad rich green leaves can grow to 35 cm long. It grows to 2metres tall and creates a dense canopy, is frost hardy, and tolerant of fertile soil, loam and clay. It lashes about impressively in the wind.Sounds perfect?? Please bear in mind if you are tempted by the sound of its lush gloriousness that it is VERY, VERY INVASIVE.
Its spread is INDEFINITE. (As I found to my cost) The electricity guys had the last laugh.