April : Snow

We awoke to a forecast of wintry showers, though the day had a bright start.
A twenty mile round trip to the nearest decent supermarket to stock up, and a big surprise to find a winter wonderland when I emerged with the full trolley. The shopping was hastily thrown onto the back seat as fast as possible. Then a slow, careful drive home through the snowstorm.
I stuck to the main roads, driving through flurries of snow and felt very sorry for the poor souls with a ‘ Garden Open’ sign by their gate.
By the time I reached home the snow fall had stopped, and once I’d slithered up the path with the bags of shopping, the house felt warm and welcoming.
The garden looked beautiful. Everything was under a thick blanket of icy snow – the sort that builds up on the framework of the trees and shrubs and stays there, accentuating the outlines like white skeletons. The snow coated everything and remained perfect, static and frozen until the next morning .
The view across the valley to the distant hills was breathtaking. Bright sunshine lit the soft folds of the hills which were still dusted with snow.
By lunchtime when we walked the dog it had pretty much thawed, apart from a couple of sad remnants of snowmen. The transitory nature of snow makes it all the more special.