The Waverley Caravan – 4 – Exterior Renovation
Some time later we decided it was time to reconsider a total renovation of the outside of the caravan, and the space in front of it.
Initially we had painted the outside dark green, a temporary measure because it was in desperate need of a coat of paint to protect it from the weather. We already had a big can of dark green, which saved money, and the colour blended it into the surroundings.
We’d used the sheltered space in front of it for tree and shrub cuttings. Over the space of a few years some forgotten cuttings had become small trees and the whole surrounding area had been enclosed; screened by hedges which also encompassed the fruit trees, the Polytunnel and the shed, in an area we grandly referred to as ‘the orchard’.
The caravan badly needed a good scrub to remove mould, then careful preparation before repainting. Another priority was fixing the join on the aluminium on the apex of the roof, which ran along all 28 feet of its length.
The best choice seemed to be to make a feature of the caravan, in all its 1950’s charm and loveliness. We decided to make the caravan the focal point of the orchard. Celebrate its style.
As with most renovation jobs, the longest part was the preparation to make sure the new paint would look it’s best for as long as possible. Time consuming but straightforward.
The scariest part was sealing the top of the roof with wide and very sticky lead flashing tape. This called for careful balancing (by the lightest member of the team). I crawled along the long thin aluminium roof on my hands and knees. It was only supported by an old wooden framework, and all the while I anticipated a sudden crack and a sharp descent.
To my great relief, all was well.
We repainted the outside with mushroom coloured exterior gloss paint, with a smart turquoise stripe across the middle panel.
All the overgrown cuttings and debris were dug out and removed and the area in front of the caravan cleared and levelled.
Outside would be a pretty, secluded space for having a rest.