The Pond – May
The pond is coming to life again. There are new shoots on the Bullrushes (Typha latifolia), Umbrella grasses(Peltiphyllum)and Mint (Mentha aquatica). The mint smells delicious as I sweep past it.

A big clump of Kingcups (Caltha palustris)bright and golden, are nearly finished, but the flowers have reflected in the greenish water even on dull days. Leucojum aestivum also does well around the margins, and is thriving well from a small plant I divided from the garden. The flowers are clear white with small green dots inside.
This has been an excellent year for tadpoles and today we have dozens of microscopic insects flying, barely above the surface of the water. Every now and then one of the carp jumps up to grab one.
We’re beginning to see the flat red leaves of the waterlilies emerging now. Quite deep so far, but as the water warms up and the light increases the lily pads will soon be on the surface.
The Elodia, which I was confident would only thrive around the pond margins creeps stealthily further into the centre each year. It is supposed to oxygenate the water, but can become very invasive. It doesn’t look too daunting so far, but I must tackle it before it starts to take over. A good excuse to (literally) mess about in the boat.
Around the pond margins the irises stand elegant and Japanese, with round leaved Hostas as a contrast which are already producing new flower spikes.
I grew on some suckers of Viburnum mariesii from the original shrub in the border near to the house. Some years on these have grown into an impressive plantation next to the pond, and provide an ideal hideaway for the mallard ducks and moorhens.