The Orchard – May 15th
Now the blossom has finished we have a promising crop of tiny apples and pears and figs developing. The willow wands I just stuck into the ground several years ago, have with a considerable amount of pruning and shaping begun to resemble a hedge. Through this grows a Golden Hop and a Clematis’ Vivian Pennell’ which are looking good, with long twining stems ready to be tucked into the willow.

The caravan is in sore need of a coat of paint, but looks more at home with the new meadow in front. It was an exhausting job to clear the thicket of overgrown, tree sized ‘cuttings’, and rampant Cardoons and Phlomis russelliana, but the new space makes the caravan more of a feature and will provide a space to sit or work. The grass seed we have sown here has flourished in the dampness of the soil, and primroses, cowslips, violets and Fritillarias have done well. Now there are ox eye daisies, pink clover, meadowsweet and buttercups. A few lily of the valley have also appeared, which is a surprise. I’ll move them to a shadier spot once they’ve flowered.
The Polytunnel looks both busy and tidy. Chard, spinach, rocket, land cress , tons of herbs, red and white onions are all really prolific. On the opposite side we have Gladioli and Dahlias in pots, plus the new Courgette plants. We’re growing three varieties of tomatoes this year; Gardener’s Delight, and also three plants of green stripy ones and some yellow ones. The chives and welsh onion are a picture – huge lilac and greens white flowers, and a Thyme with pink flowers.
Outside the door of the Polytunnel are all of last years winter cuttings getting well established, and ready to plant out soon.