Grass Garden – A Calming Space
In time, the grass garden evolved and matured into the quiet secluded space we had envisaged. It was the perfect setting to enjoy a coffee or an evening drink. Close to the house, yet separate, and protected from the wind by the sheltering hedges.
Of course, it was no more a ‘ grass’ garden than the ‘ herbaceous’ garden was exclusively populated with perennials. The basic structural plants were ‘ good do-ers’ from other parts of the garden, chosen for their availability and their reliability in what could be a sunken and waterlogged space in wet seasons. As far as possible the borders were sloped up from the central area, and grit added to the soil to improve drainage.
The grasses and bamboos, together with the weeping willow provided the gentle background sounds we wanted.
More stock was added each summer. These were mainly plants that we had overwintered in pots in the Polytunnel which brought additional colour, texture and foliage variety, and jollied up the small space somewhat.

Later on, we added another entrance to the grass garden by cutting through the blackthorn hedge. This opened up views across the garden without compromising the secluded atmosphere.