Foxes : April
Crept outside at 8.30 pm. Still just light. The foxes are making a spectacular noise near to the pond… over by the dome… in the orchard. Screeching like what? An unearthly sound unlike anything else. I used to think they made it when they were attacking something, because it is a fierce violent rending sound; or because they were injured and shrieking with pain. But no, they just make it when another fox invades their space, and it is often accompanied with a rapid backwards prance, tail held high and facing their opponent. I know it could be a female fox and part of their mating ritual, but I think it’s a bit late in the year and when I’ve been lucky to see it, it’s been about territory and food.
The foxes are so beautiful, so bold, so bright and so nimble. They stare at us while they eat the food and are totally fearless. They sit in the raised border opposite the house, watch the door open, the dog go out and come back in and have no fear of us or of him. They browse on dog biscuits while I sit a few feet away writing at my desk with indoor and outdoor lights full on.
Two or three, at least, are out there tonight. It’s the spring and there’s a lot of noise. One, possibly Bent Tail, the most confident, casually eats the biscuits, another strolls along the border making a noise, with a third, down the garden answering.
Now it’s nearly dark and there is the most amazing light over the Downs . Soft like dip dyed silk. Greyish, almost monochrome, fading to gold, like a silk scarf. A very flat light. The trees look fine after yesterday’s snow. The leaves are emerging fast and there’s a haze of green. Shapes of new leaves are silhouetted against the evening sky.