May : Balsam Poplar
Here there is always something to do, something to watch, something to discover.
All through the year, but especially in May, there are new things to see each day, abundant growth that seems to appear from nowhere.
Surprises and delights, from minute spiders hatching; hundreds of specks of life bursting forth, and stray sunflowers coming up under the bird table, to the leaves of the 60 foot tall Balsam poplar coming into their golden sticky scented glory. This impressive tree ( Populus balsamifera ) was given to us as a 4 foot plant in a small pot. It was a kind gift, because as the new leaves unfurl, they have an overpoweringly sweet scent, which carries into the house on the breeze. We love this tree and it’s scent, and it has grown very rapidly and now has vast proportions. As it has grown taller and taller it has also developed the disconcerting habit of unexpectedly hurling great branches to the ground. This is a concern as the Dome is next to it, and G likes to work in there.
Will we keep it? Time will tell..