Structures in the Meadow
1: When the Salix ‘ Tortuosa’, contorted Willow suddenly died we cut the branches and fixed them into a space near the dome. The smaller branches were painted white and served as our Christmas tree. Very nice.
2: We were given the four quadrants of what had been the ends of a massive boardroom table. We put them together to form a circle and painted them bright orange. For several years until it collapsed it formed an impressive table in the centre of the Alder circle.
3: This summer structure was made from an old gazebo frame and some net curtains from the skip.
4: Idea to convert the Cheltenham caravan into a hide by constructing a framework of willow around and over it.
5: Idea to create shapes or messages in the meadow grass that could only be seen from the sky. By using excess pond liner which was heavy we could leave it in place until the grass turned yellow. When removed, the grass would slowly revert to green, and the shapes would slowly disappear, like ghosts. Unfortunately we had a leak in the flat roof of the house and the pond liner was needed for a temporary (10 year) repair.
6: Using tree stakes and kite fabric, I had plans to create a focal point at the far end of the pond by making a group of pennants which would catch the wind. We found a miniature oak pyramid on the seafront when the defences had been replaced, and decided a big plantation of Miscanthus would look good beyond it, provide the movement I’d visualised and be longer lasting.
7: Create an amphitheatre where the ground sloped down at the end of the pond. Maybe with a curved beech or hornbeam hedge around it. There were several reasons against this idea; the cost of hiring a mini digger, the possibility of weakening the bank supporting the end of the pond, and the sheer egotistical idea of having an amphitheatre for goodness sake.
8: Cutting a whole unwanted tree down, painting it a ludicrous colour and cementing it in front of the Cheltenham caravan. I moved on from this idea because it was met with ridicule. Fair enough.
9: Painted bamboo canes with ping- pong balls on top. Nah!
10: Giant kite fabric structures over willow bases. Shells? Pods? Huge birds? May have been an interesting idea, but no time to do this.