2020 & 2021: Change of Use
A Sanctuary Planted
The Covid lockdowns had resulted in everyone in the neighbourhood being confined to their own spaces. People reacted to this in their own ways, depending upon their circumstances, but in general we nearly all put up screens to provide some privacy from the footpath – because more people were out walking and cycling. We purchased some great screens from ‘Screen with Envy’ for both the front, and also for the side, to support our grapevine. On the opposite side we planted two pleached Photinia ‘Red Robin’, for height, without a reduction of width in the border underneath.
Because we weren’t going away, we enjoyed growing a few vegetables and flowers from seed. It was great to pick fresh salad leaves and herbs from the balcony.
The garden keeps growing and changing. Some plants have done really well and provide good structure – a framework for new additions. Kind neighbours who were moving gave us an amazing Acer in a huge pot. It is looking fabulous and is a welcome addition Some plants don’t like the conditions and perhaps only survive for a year or two, but that gives us the opportunity to try something new. The joy and unpredictability of gardening.
Now we have time to appreciate everything and enjoy our achievements. Naturally, there are always new plans, projects and ideas to think about for another day.