2017: Paving and Screens
A Sanctuary Planted
We thought we would change the paving and alter the layout to make the garden a bit more special.
The plan was to maximise the planting area and increase the variety of plants, while still maintaining a balance for sitting and for the planters.
Another consideration was that we had a drain cover in the middle of the garden which was particularly unattractive. This could be easily disguised in a new layout.
We looked at materials and opted for black limestone pavers. Other ideas were considered, but we wanted it to look clean and simple, and the paving colour matched the window frames and contrasted well with the plants. An area in the top left-hand side was paved so we could place two chairs there to catch the last of the evening sun, and a tall rectangular planter enclosed the space from the footpath.
The new borders were wider than the existing narrow strip so there would be a more generous space for depth of planting. The garden would seem much more luxuriant with plants merging and a variety of heights and textures. With the original narrow strip any plant combinations appeared regimented and boring.
We designed the two screens and had them made up in metal and wood to match the existing screen on the side of the balcony. They protect the garden from the worst of the wind and provide a structure for climbing plants.