2015 & 2016: The First Years
A Sanctuary Planted
Well, this was a contrast. An entirely new life in every way.
We had brought a small selection of treasures from the other garden. Old familiar favourite plants and seeds, garden furniture, planters and ornaments. These included some of our 60’s planters and the heavy wooden seaside ‘pyramid’ that had been at the end of the pond. We also salvaged three slender silver birch trunks which were fitted under the balcony. It was difficult to imagine how our lives would be. Visions of cycling, camping and entertaining were soon abandoned, and we passed the big table on which gave us more space.
Plants we brought with us included the bamboo in one of the planters, daylilies ( Hemerocallis Flore Plena), white perennial anemones and a small Physocarpus’Diabolo’. There were three small Geranium varieties, some Kaffir lilies, Sisyrinchium, Montbretia and Lysimachia, and seeds of marigold, aquilegia and bronze Fennel.
Choosing what to bring from the huge selection wasn’t difficult or sentimental. We were aware that our new garden was very tiny, we were unfamiliar with soil and weather conditions, and we only had twelve days between exchange of contracts and completion to pack everything up in what was a very cold, wet February.
The paving in the new garden was uninspiring but it would be ok for the time being. Equally, the narrow border right around the edge provided some space to dig into, improve and work with. In the first spring we added free compost from the local recycling centre to lighten it up and nourish it.
Growing conditions were great, with plenty of light and a mild climate, but occasional fierce salt laden gales burnt and scorched new plant growth, so we had to think about screening for protection.
We found a fantastic nursery, where the lovely owner was both knowledgeable and generous with advice on what would thrive. We bought and planted whatever took our fancy with little reference to taste or colour themes or long term plan and no pressure.