A Sanctuary Planted
22nd of May 4 am
First birds singing. Blackbirds in the top garden to my right. To my left, in the oak tree on the boundary with the bridle path, a solitary owl.
I am sitting on the balcony unable to sleep. It’s just light enough to see to write. More birds join in, and a second owl. Only the odd lorry or car on the road to disturb the total peace.
The birdsong is building up.I can hear a cuckoo! The first I’ve heard this year, from far away in the valley. The moorhen calls out. There was no sign of its solitary chick yesterday which was sad.The cuckoo is closer now- worth getting up for. The moon is an orange glow behind the beech trees. This is truly wonderful.
Down the path towards the gate a thrush begins to sing. It’s song louder than all the other birds put together. A fox runs across the gravel path by the iron railings. Oblivious to me and in a hurry. The thrush sits on the roof behind me. It demands attention. A second thrush replies.
A full moon, big and golden in a clear soft grey blue sky. The air is fresh but I am not cold. Wrapped in a warm dressing gown and a big welsh blanket. I’ve lost sight of the last star and the sky in the east is light now. Not spectacular just a pale soft dawn.
The sky is full of birdsong near and far. I can’t describe it adequately. Loud and rich and varied. A distant pheasant, a cockerel , a dog barking. Close by and far away; from all around. The countryside waking up for a new day.
The more you listen the more varied and complex the sound becomes. Miles of deep resonant birdsong stretching into the valley.
Colours begin to emerge in the garden and a pair of mallard ducks take off from the pond as if guided by the moon. They soar in a big arc around the garden, then do a fly- past above my head, heading east.
The traffic increases slightly, mainly lorries at this time of day. A faint whiff of woodsmoke, the hum of the first bumblebee. This is an uplifting way to wake up to a new day. It’s a secret world that is here every day but usually missed. It’s as light now at 4:30 as it is during the day in winter. It’s daylight. The whole of nature is up and about. Now the swifts are dipping in the pond and at this perfect moment anything seems possible. The secret is to enjoy it.
We are the custodians of this two acre space for a brief moment in time. It is a responsibility and a joy. No two moments, no two seasons, no two years alike. Always something fascinating and beautiful to see and enjoy. The female blackbird hops up to the iron railings to look at me. The cuckoo hasn’t stopped since 4 am. Sometimes it’s good to stop the relentless effort in the garden and just enjoy it. It’s light enough for the colours to glow now. and the view stretches to the hills on the horizon. There is a fine dew on everything and the plants look green, lush and refreshed.
A perfect ending – the moorhen has just made her way across the pond with her tiny chick.