Beginnings: Intentions and Objectives: 1987
A Sanctuary Planted
Here are our very generalised, but ambitious ideas that we had in mind from the outset, and applied over time. They remained as guidelines and we didn’t draw a formal plan at any point, but we did stick to these ideals without deviating.
Our values, to re-wild, to create wildlife habitats, to use a framework of British native plants, to grow vegetables and fruit organically, to compost as much as we could, seems very much in line with today’s theories. This list was first written in 1987.
Initial Thoughts:
To open up the view from the established garden into the larger blank space; and beyond, to the horizon
To break up the blankness as quickly as possible by planting as much bare-root stock of British native trees and shrubs as we can. Later on, as the space develops we can add hedges to act as windbreaks.
Encourage as much wildness and wildlife as possible within an informal framework – so there are aspects of both naturalness and structure.
The concept of both opening up and closing in, so it is a private space with wide sweeping areas and more introspective ones.
Learn how to encourage wildlife by developing different habitats. This can easily be achieved initially for instance, by just not mowing the entire 2 acre space, with mown paths through the long grass and annual cutting with a hired rough grass cutter. Other methods, e.g. creating cover and making a pond may happen in time
Comma -
Common Blue
Add, and (confidently) subtract shrubs from the established garden. Try to soften up the look, nurture the ones that we like and add as many new ones that we can.
Extend our knowledge. Which plants will thrive in wet clay, how to improve the soil, what new plants inspire us and are worth a try?
Learn and experiment with propagation, division and transplanting, in order to increase as much stock as possible to fill blank spaces.
Golden Hornet crab apples -
Poppy seedheads -
Michaelmas daisies
Develop the big borders that run up to the house so they are interesting through the seasons. More of a statement.
Establish an orchard and vegetable plots as soon as possible,(eventually get a Polytunnel??)